Thursday, May 27, 2010

A visit from the Cherybas

I can't believe it's the end of the month already... where did May go?? Although, I guess if I had to backtrack and look at the calendar, it's been a busy month. And time certainly flies when you're busy! 2 birthdays, a wedding in Kelowna, a visit from the Cherybas.. and add in there the daily stuff of pick-ups, drop-offs, laundry, Sunday School responsibilities, a new-found obsession (more on that later)... well, like I said, it's been a busy one.

Lisa and I have been friends since 1991, which according to our calculations turns out to be a significant amount of time. It all started when we became roommates, out of necessity, when the company we were working for (Rogers Video) relocated their office from Calgary to Richmond. There was no way either of us could afford to live on our own there so we decided to pool our (very) meager wages and bunk together, without really knowing each other. During those 11 months of living together we became very close and we've been friends ever since! And lucky for us, our families get along too! Whew! :-)

Beachcombing at our local beach:

Tie Dying fab-u-lous t-shirts with the kids:

Seriously! Don't they look awesome?? I am so obsessed with Tie Dying now... it's great fun!! I've dyed every crappy t-shirt I own, and a few of Ruby's too. So be warned... if you're walking past me in a 100% cotton frock of any kind, watch out! I'll snatch it from you and dye it into an amazing masterpiece...

And check out this baby:

(Mom, I can hear your heart beating faster from here... can't wait to play it with you! There's Quad word scores... oh my!) We played many games while Lisa and Matt were here - she said I can babysit the game for her. Yippee... isn't Lisa the greatest?

Other fun moments: tasting our first deep-fried chocolate Mars bar; Ocean Discovery Centre; swimming at the local pool, root beer floats, making pizzas, watching many Wallace and Grommet movies, Happy Hours and chip eating, Katie sharing her DS with the boys, and just hanging out together! Sigh... it was a good week. I'm tired.


  1. It's always great when friends come to visit.

    I tried that Super Scrabble once, but I found it took too long to play a game. The problem with us is that we play after the kids go to bed. Scrabble takes too much brain power for me to stay awake at that time of day. I should have a mid-day game with someone sometime. Wanna come for coffee later today? Bring your game!

  2. Loving the blog Bonita!!! Ruby really is's so nice to see all the pictures. You're so busy!!! In a good way, makes me wish I didn't work!
