Thursday, December 30, 2010


I can't believe tomorrow we will be doing the annual "Wow, it's New Year's Eve... what should we do? Where should we go? Can we just stay home??" We always leave the planning of this ridiculously over-rated evening until the very last second. My vote is to stay home, invite a couple of friends who have also not made plans yet, eat lots, drink lots and play a rousing game of Clue.

We've had a busy Christmas, and today is the first day where we have no agenda. We're all in our PJ's, I'm drinking a pot of coffee and making a grocery list of much-needed stuff.

Mom and Dad came for Christmas this year, which was great. They've done it once before, when Cameron was 5 months old. We didn't really do much while they were here, but I'm hoping that's what they wanted to do? The weather was terrible... rainy, windy...typical. But they wandered through Sidney, checking out the Thrift Stores and the used book stores, we took them to the Chinese food buffet, and looked at the beautiful Christmas lights at Butchart Gardens in monsoon weather. The kids loved the carousel ride... and my dad loved hearing "Time to go home."

My mom and I played countless games of Scrabble and I taught her, Rodger and Simon the game of "Clue" which our family got for Christmas. And of course we ate alot. A perfectly relaxing Christmas.

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