Friday, December 17, 2010


After reading my sister's post today about making homemade caramel, I started to think about Christmas memories from my childhood. Every year, I remember our family receiving the most fabulous gift from our sweet neighbor, Mrs. Barton... homemade caramel individually wrapped in tin foil. Oh my word, that was the BEST caramel I have ever tasted, and to this day I have yet to find anything that comes close to that magical taste. Each time we were allowed a caramel, my brothers and sisters carefully picked through the batch of pieces, making sure that we got the biggest, fattest one that was available. They didn't last long in our house. I'm sure my mom's memory of the caramels is slightly different... I'm pretty sure all she remembers is the horrendously messy kitchen where these delectable treats came from and was amazed we didn't have tummy issues when we ate something that was created in that home. Sigh... I miss those caramels!

Maybe I'll try that recipe my sister used and see how they measure up. Nah... why bother? They won't.


  1. Yes they will! I swear, this is Mrs. Barton's recipe. They are awesome and easy. I've made three batches of them this year already, so I know. :-) Remember the smell of cigarette smoke that came out of that annual tin of caramels? That's the only thing missing from these caramels and that's not a bad thing!

  2. Oh yeah... who could forget the smoke?? Bless those wonderful souls. Okay, well I may just have to try the recipe then... please tell me it's foolproof?? I can't handle another disaster in the kitchen this week.

  3. The only thing that could go wrong is that you can take them off the heat too soon and they won't be quite thick enough to be "candy". BUT, then you can drizzle it over apple slices, or apple crisp, or apple pie, or popcorn or in your coffee or hot chocolate. Really, it is foolproof - just be patient and remember to stir. Sprinkle nuts on some it, or stir in a few chocolate chips to melt and make chocolate carmels. Or we've dipped them in melted chocolate. Yum!! It's all yummy.
