Ruby's supposedly having a nap right now but I can hear her door opening and closing. That's fine, she can wait a few more minutes while I have a cup of coffee and rant for a bit. it's been a frustrating time for me lately and I think yesterday was the "final straw" kind of day... today I'm slowly easing out of my stress but it's still there. It's hard to put into words exactly why I feel so stressed, anxious and frustrated these days.
But take yesterday for example.... there was a serious monsoon going on outside and inside the house as well. Yup, we've got a leak in the roof and now when it rains hard, it drips quite rapidly straight into the house by the front door. Nice. Does anyone have $12K kicking around for us?? Obviously this is a stressful situation because we don't have the money to fix our roof right now, not to mention you can't fix a roof during monsoon season. So out come the towels and a heater to try to save the hardwood floor from ruin. It's going to be a long winter. Rain, rain... go away!!!
Add to the frustration: Sunday School and the upcoming Christmas programs. it's amazing to me how in the dark I am when it comes to the program and what is expected of me and the kids... and I also had no clue that I am not part of the decision-making process, I am just told what to do. But I wasn't actually aware of this fact until yesterday when I tried to make a decision on behalf of Sunday School. Again, final straw for me. I'm done. By the end of June, I will have put in 3 years and it's time for someone else to take on the challenge. Let someone else "live and breath it" for awhile. I long for the day when I can just show up for church and be spiritually fed again... what a concept. Or better yet, if I want to skip out one Sunday I CAN! I cannot wait.
Then there's the upcoming Grade 1 sleepover next Thursday night... yes, a school night! Seriously?? Excuse me, but according to my calendar it's an instructional day on Friday and it's supposed to be "business as usual." The teachers are encouraging parents to pick up their child at 8:30 am Friday morning because they will be very tired. So I guess Cameron will be one of the only kids in his class on Friday morning. Oh, I'm sure he won't even notice or feel left out when all his buddies pass him in the doorway with their jammies on, waving "nighty night", as Cameron heads into school for a regular school day. Yesterday my letter to the Principal was met with "I understand your perspective on all of this, but too bad." And here I thought school was for learning?? Maybe I'm just old-school that way. Silly me.
Rodger's dealing with a parking ticket that I got a couple of weeks ago, while dropping the family off at the ferry terminal. we pulled into the drop-off zone, got 3 carseats, various baggage and 3 kids out of the car, and then proceeded to a large lineup of people at the walk-on terminal. After several minutes we finally paid for our tickets, then spent a few more minutes checking in their baggage & car seats (which had to be put into plastic bags and tied up.) By the time I headed back to the drop-off zone where the car was parked, I had a $59 ticket on my windshield because I "left the car unattended for more than 3 minutes". Oh my word. I can't even go on any more about this because just thinking about it makes my blood boil. So yeah, add that to Rodger's list of things to deal with.
Tomorrow's going to be a better day. We're going to chop down a tree at the Christmas Tree farm, then try to have fun while we decorate it. Then on Sunday we're spending a big chunk of time practicing our songs with Sunday School. Then we're working on a combined craft with all of the kids, followed by hot chocolate and treats. I can feel the Sunday headache coming on already.
I'm looking forward to Sunday afternoon, when I will be taking a very long nap. Because I deserve it. Wah.