Friday, March 25, 2011

What We've Been Eating

Yay, it's Spring Break!! And double YAY, my sister Shirl is here to visit!!

And where there's Auntie Shirley, there's sure to be Happy Hour and Cheetos! The weather wasn't super great over Spring Break but we managed to have a Happy Hour on the deck at our new table & chairs (handed down from Art & Michi). The kids got to have their very own small can of coke! A huge treat.

Isn't life good?? Love those sinful treats...and they're gluten-free. But not classified under "clean eating" or the "raw diet". Who cares.

So what have we been eating during these past few days?? Well, here's our menu for one day:

Breakfast: Homemade Gluten bread with half white flour (highly processed and containing no nutrients whatsoever)/half whole wheat flour (ditto), topped with a fried egg (with butter). The eggs were free range and very fresh... and for a real treat, we actually ate the yoke too! Our second piece of gluten bread consisted of more butter and some "super bad for you" cheddar cheese... what the heck, we're on holidays. And to wash it all down, we had 3 large mugs full of fairly traded coffee, lots of cream and "gonna kill ya" Splenda.

Lunch: More yummy gluten-esque bread loaded with more of that awful cheddar cheese and grossly processed deli meat (ham). I'm not sure, but I think the pig was not was not free to roam the farm in happiness, and did not lead a stress-free life. We also had some milk which we were not really created to consume, and a non-organic apple.

Dinner: Fish & Chips. Oh yeah!! What else can I say??

Evening: The leftover Cheetos and some really cheap, homemade red wine.

The next day we went to the mall because the weather was crappy. We ended up at the Zellars restaurant, which was so cool. What a time-warp! And those poor women have probably worked them for 25 years - or at least they looked like it. We all shared a big pile of fries and gravy, and I gave each kid a garbage-generating juice box.

for dinner I made full-on gluten pizza dough, and we loaded it with all sorts of yummy veggies which were not locally grown, chemical-laden deli meat and more cheese. It was heavenly.

After dinner Shirl and I went for a long power-walk in an attempt to reduce some of the damage done. But I don't really care. Most of the time, I truly do my best to provide healthy meals for myself and my family. I exercise quite regularly and drink lots of water. But I will never be a vegetarian, or eliminate whole food groups from my diet, because society tells me I should. I will cook my vegetables and still use a can opener. I will enjoy "may contain real meat" hotdogs on white buns with the kids. I will continue to use butter on my gluten bread. And if I want a big bowl of Cheetos after a 6 month break, I will. And I will not apologize for it, or feel the need to justify it to anyone. Damnit.

(How's that for a rant?? Ah... I feel better now.)

I cried my eyes out when I dropped Shirl off at the airport. As I always do. Life is short, we will all die of something eventually. So enjoy your life the way YOU want to enjoy it!


  1. Why all the comments about gluten? You aren't watching your gluten intact, are you?

  2. No, but the rest of the world is, it seems. So I just thought maybe I was supposed to add my "gluten" comment everytime I talk about my food intake, the same way everyone talks about their gluten-free everything... so last night I had some lovely gluten pasta, with non-organic veggies and extra-lean ground beef from an unknown source.
