Friday, July 23, 2010


It's been 5 days without kids, and 10 without a husband... and I had plans during this time. Big plans.

But the thing is, I'm totally lost and unmotivated to accomplish my "To Do" list. And when I decide I'm going to relax and forget about my chores, I can't sit down for longer than 5 minutes at a time. Having an empty house is just too strange, too foreign.

However, when I look around my house, I do notice that: my pantry is neat & tidy and I can find my food; my windows are clean and the sunshine is streaming into the kitchen as I type; the floors are gleaming; the toys are in their bins; the livingroom is spotless and I even dusted for a change; my scrapbook table is in complete "creative" chaos..... so maybe I have done a few things after all.

They just weren't on the "list".... except for the scrapbooking!

I'm so ready to have my family back tomorrow.


  1. Sounds like you got a lot done. I've never been childless and husbandless in my own home for more than a day. What an awesome thing! Enjoy it and I'm sure you'll welcome the company back when they get home. How's your garden?

  2. Wow! How did that happen? Clean windows sounds dreamy...
    Miss you!
